How to Make a Jump Throw Bind in CS:GO

terrorist doing a jump throw bind

Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CS:GO) is one of the most fiercely competitive online games out there, with more than 24 million monthly active users. You need impressive skill levels to get to the top nowadays, and gamers need to do everything in their power to gain an advantage.

Setting up a jump throw bind is a common tactic among the CS:GO elite now, as it means that you can pull off accurate throws every time you launch a smoke grenade. It takes variance out of the game and allows you to focus on refining other aspects of your gameplay.

You may have noticed that every time you try to throw a grenade, its path will deviate. That’s because you’re not a robot, and you can’t click the left mouse button at exactly the same time. By setting up a CS:GO jump throw bind, you can make sure the throw is always launched at the exact same moment.

Basically, what it means is that you’ll be able to configure one of your buttons so you can press it and throw perfect grenades. It’s a small script that you can program easily. Then, you don’t need to attempt to aim them manually. It’s a tactic that most professionals use, and in most forms of competitive play it’s completely legal.

How to set up a jump throw bind

You don’t need to be a computer programmer to set up a jump throw bind in CS:GO. All you need to do is follow the simple instructions listed below and you’ll be harassing your enemies with grenades in no time.

Here’s the simple key bind if you already have an autoexec config file:

  • Bind “X” “+jump; -attack; -jump” and simply replace X with your preferred key.

If you don’t have the autoexec set up, you first need to go to:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg.

From there, you create a text file, and you can then make the key bind. Don’t forget to save it and then try it out in a game. By adjusting the launch options in Steam, you can make sure your custom config is activated every time you play.

If you don’t like the key you chose for the jumpthrow bind, simply go back into config file and change it. Test out a few until you get the one that’s right for you.

Ready to take your CS:GO game up a few notches? Try out this handy jumpthrow bind today.

Is the CS:GO jumpthrow bind legal?

In most forms of CS:GO, it’s legal to add this script and use it. It can be played in matchmaking and a lot of pro tournaments. However, some official tournaments may not allow it, so you should read the rules carefully before taking part.

What can a jumpthrow in CS:GO achieve?

The jumpthrow bind CS:GO can achieve perfectly accurate smoke grenade throws every time.