Arcane Season 2 – What We Know So Far

Tv remote in front of tv showing Arcane on Netflix

One of the most anticipated shows is set to return to Netflix with its second season. Arcane, is an animated series from the creators of League of Legends (LoL) and is one of the highest-rated shows on Netflix. With the announcement of its upcoming season, it seems that the LoL series is only going to get better from here. Here’s a little bit about Arcane and what we know so far about season two. 

What is Arcane? 

Arcane is an action-packed animated series on Netflix. The show is largely based on the hit video game, League of Legends, also known as a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game. The series follows the origins of two iconic lol champions and is set between two cities: the progressive Piltover, that is flourishing as a result of its influence and power and the underground Zaun, an oppressed city of iron and glass.  

Why is Arcane so popular?

Since it was first released, the series has achieved tremendous success. Not only has Arcane received a 100% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes but the hit show also has an audience average score of 96%. What’s more, the series has not only pulled impressive ratings on the popular streaming platform but has also retained these scores since its release back in November 2021. 

According to Netflix, Arcane was one of the best shows to hit its viewing platform, as the original series was considered to be the most well-received series ever produced on Netflix. Many who have watched the iconic series have coined it to be an incredible action series with stellar 3D animation, phenomenal action scenes and fascinatingly complex character-driven storylines.  

Which Characters have appeared in the series so far?

Jinx from arcane

Whether for the character-building of the most prominent characters or simply for the backstory, several LoL champions made an appearance in Arcane. 

Vi and Jinx took on their roles as the main characters. We meet them right at the beginning of the show and let’s just say, Arcane would not be Arcane without them. They are sisters but also champions who solve problems and seek justice. Other notable characters in the series include the peacekeeper champion Caitlyn, the time manipulator, Ekko and the highly talented inventor champion, Jayce.

Singed, Teemo, Ryze, Heimerdinger, Kindred and Viktor are also part of the other characters we see make an appearance on the show.  

Synopsis of the plot

Season one of Arcane revolves around Piltover and Zaun. It is also made apparent that there is a huge class disparity between these two cities. Moreover, the sisters Vi and Powder (Jinx) find themselves separated from one another and seek to reunite.

Overall, the nine episodes that season one of Arcane offered us, revolve around the gripping backstories of various characters that leave us with an unexpected cliff-hanger. 

What do we know so far about the new Arcane series and what can we expect to see?

When it comes to Arcane season 2, the series is said to have just started its production, so we won’t be expecting it anytime soon. However, there has been speculation on which champions could appear next season. Orianna is one of the characters that could possibly make an appearance, as she is one of the most played champions in the history of competitive LoL. Moreover, Swain is another champion to look out for and fans are already speculating about his appearance as he was already mentioned by a character in the first season.

When is Arcane season 2 coming out?

Netflix has confirmed there will in fact be a new season, the downside is that there is no telling when the series will be coming out and it’s also unclear how many episodes of Arcane there will be for this season. Animated series of this caliber can take a heck of a long time to put together, so we’re not holding our breaths for a 2022 release.

What is Arcane?

Arcane is an action-adventure packed series on Netflix, which is largely based on the hit video game, League of Legends. The show follows the origins of two iconic league champions and is takes place between two cities.

How old is Jinx in Arcane?

It is estimated that Jinx was around 11 to 12 years old in the first part of Arcane but 17 to 19 years old by the second part of the series. 

Who voices Jinx in Arcane?

Ella Purnell is the voice behind Jinx in Arcane. 

When did Arcane come out?

The first season of Arcane came out on the 6th of November 2021. Nothing has been confirmed yet regarding the season 2 release date.

When is season 2 of Arcane coming out?

Netflix has confirmed there will in fact be a new season of Arcane, but we won’t be expecting it anytime soon. However, there is hope that it could be out as early as 2023.