Elden Ring: Best Starting Class – The Vagabond

elden ring best class

Elden Ring is a challenging action role-playing game that lets you choose from 10 different starting classes, each with their own stats, equipment and skills. Choosing the best starting class for your playstyle can make a big difference in your experience of the game. Here is our choice of the best starting classes for Elden Ring: the Vagabond.

What is the best class for Elden Ring beginners?

The Vagabond is arguably the most beginner-friendly class in Elden Ring, though it does have a few major flaws that reduce its effectiveness compared to others. Vagabonds start with the highest Vigor as well as high Dexterity and Strength stats, making them well-suited for martial combat. Their main strength is in their starting equipment, though: they wield a Longsword, a Halberd and a Heater Shield, giving them versatility and range in melee fights.

The Longsword is a fast and reliable weapon that can deal decent damage and has good scaling with both Strength and Dexterity. The Halberd is a polearm that can hit enemies from afar and has a sweeping attack that can hit multiple foes at once. The Heater Shield is a sturdy shield that can block most attacks and has 100% physical damage reduction. With these weapons, you can adapt to different situations and enemies easily.

Advantages of choosing The Vagabond

  • Starts with high Vigor, Dexterity and Strength
  • Good initial equipment

However, the Vagabond also has some drawbacks that you should be aware of. First of all, they have very low Intelligence and Faith stats, which means they cannot use any magic or miracles effectively. This limits their options for ranged attacks and healing abilities. Secondly, they have low Endurance and Vitality stats, which means they have less stamina and carry weight than other classes. This means they cannot wear heavy armor or swing their weapons for too long without getting exhausted.

Disadvantages of choosing The Vagabond

  • Low Inteligence and Faith
  • Low Endurance and Vitality

Therefore, if you choose the Vagabond as your starting class, you should focus on improving your Endurance and Vitality stats as you level up to increase your survivability. You should also look for other weapons or items that can help you deal with enemies at a distance or heal yourself when needed. Alternatively, you can try to switch to another class later in the game by using an item called the Rebirth Stone, which allows you to reset your stats and skills once per playthrough.

Elden Ring: all the classes

The Vagabond is a great starting class for beginners who want to learn the basics of combat in Elden Ring without worrying too much about magic or miracles. However, it is not the only viable option: there are nine other classes that offer different advantages and disadvantages depending on your preferences.

  • Vagabond
  • Warrior
  • Bandit
  • Confessor
  • Prophet
  • Prisoner
  • Astrologer
  • Hero
  • Champion
  • Enchanted Knight